CD Gladiators: launch Twitter attacks on Varela and media

The group of Cambio Democrático (CD) members who call themselves the "gladiators" launched a series of attacks on the social network Twitter today against the Panameñista party and the media.

"Gentlemen journalists @tvnnoticias @TReporta@rpc_radio @prensacom be fair and tell the truth: #Primarias with high abstention," the group said.

"Wow! Juan Carlos Varela receives all the support of the media, trying to avoid lack of interest in #Primaries. Biased media,", read another message. They also wrote that several social programs in the government – such as the universal scholarship and the 70-100 – are CD initiatives and not ones proposed by the Panameñistas as Varela has claimed.
After Varela made his acceptance speech, the Gladiators responded by calling him a "demagogue" and that he is promising the "earth and sky" but that people should not listen to "false prophets."