Amador cruise ship terminal may be the stuff of dreams

Hopes of opening a cruise terminal at Amador have been largely ruled out, and Panama’s Balboa Yacht Club  can breath easy.

Data obtained from a feasibility study indicates the need for an investment of between $24 and $30 million just to provide the necessary draft for berthing cruise ships at Amador.
The water depth in the area is not more than three meters and for the construction of a cruise terminal would have to be 10 meters.

La Prensa reports that Solomon Shamah, administrator of the Panama Tourism Authority (ATP), said that they have now ruled out the idea of building the port where the Balboa Yacht Club is currently located..”'It's a lot of money, and companies are not willing to invest that amount” said Shamah.

Although the ATP is still analyzing with the Panama Maritime Authority which areas in Amador could house a cruise terminal, Shamah predicted it will be difficult to find an economical choice.