Private sector groups rap lack of Metro Bus planning.

Five private sector organizations have united in condemning the lack of planning and coordination in the introduction of Panama’s Metro Bus System.

The groups said the modernization of the public transit service was "extremely necessary" but it has become a problem impacting negatively on the development of economic activity.
According to the groups for the proper functioning of the new system needs comprehensive care of "all components” and “an intensive campaign of teaching and coaching in the use of the Metro Bus, pay zones, routes, lanes and recharge cards. "
Users indicate that they now need to have additional hours to gain access to one of the Metro Buses and want a move, to end their long queuing to board.
"In addition to the need for mass dissemination of the proper use of the new system for users, and drivers, add the absence of the expected adequate booths and there would be more success in improving in public transport,’’ say the organizations.
Guilds who expressed their views on this issue are the National Council of Private Enterprise, the Panamanian Association of Business Executives, Panama's Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture of Panama, the Panama Industrial Union and the Federation of Chambers of Commerce of the Republic of Panama.
Last week, former Minister of the Presidency Jimmy Papadimitriu who had been a cheerleader for the introduction of the system and made frequent unfulfilled promises of introduction dates, attacked on Twitter the current Minister Roberto Henriquez, who replied in kind.