UK Embassy opens Book of Condolences for Lady Thatcher

A book of condolences has been opened by the UK Embassy in Panama to mark the death  on April 8 of Lady Thatcher, Britain’s longest serving postwar Prime Minister. 

A note has been addressed to Panama’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the diplomatic community. The book will be open in the reception area of the Embassy from 7:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Thursday and Friday from 7:30 am to 12pm. The book will be available until the day before the funeral of Lady Thatcher, on Wednesday, April 17.

Baroness Thatcher was dubbed the Iron Lady by Russia, but worked with Soviet leader Mikail Gorbachev and US President Ronald Reagan to end the Cold War, and witness the destruction of the Berlin Wall. Although her style of leadership divided Britain, her determination in sending a British force to recapture the Falkland Islands, invaded by Argentina in 1982 ensured her re-election with an increased majority, until divisions in her own party led to her resignation. She is also remembered for her celebrated statement: “The lady’s not for turning” when fellow Conservatives wanted her to change policies.