Rock Star Navarro says time near to oust “crazy” government

PRD PRESIDENTIAL candidate Juan Carlos Navarro, buoyed by the 55 percent turn out for the primaries said Sunday June 2 that the party is “close to the time that we have all been waiting for,"

"It will be the moment when the Panamanian people say to the government: here is the aspirin to help us get rid of this crazy government."

Earlier in the day he had glad handed his way around San Felipe. No one in Casco Viejo was deemed unworthy of a hug or a handshake, including some bemused tourists, unaware tthey were being greeted by the “PRD Rock Star” a title awarded in a La Prensa report.
Speaking after the general PRD primary he thanked the members of his party for their strong turnout, and said that it will propel the party toward the 2014 election. He also said the party demonstrated a respect for civics and democracy.
At the same time, Navarro acknowledged that "these days have not been easy," referring to the scandal involving Roberto Velásquez. He said that these hard challenges are being faced in a responsible manner and it has not shaken him to make tough decisions.
He emphasized that, in the PRD, "we are not perfect," but he is committed to the progress of the country.
"Now we are going to build a true democracy. With God's help we will lead the country toward a new Panama."