$250,000 web site contract getting second audit

The gold plated web design

THE GOLD PLATED web site contract of Panama’s beleaguered ombudsman’s office is now undergoing audits by two different authorities.

Abigaíl Benzadón, director of the National Authority of Transparency, said Tuesday, June 18 that the entity will audit the contract issued by the Ombudsman's Office to redesign its web page.

The contract was worth $250,000 and has been roundly criticized-
Benzadón said the audit was ordered because the contract was issued as a "consultancy," when the cap on such offers was $50,000, though it has now grown to $300,000. The director also added that the contract was issued without being put out to bid.
Benzadón added that the experience of the 23 year old recipient of the contract will also be examined.
"When you pay for a consultant it becomes a property of the state," Benzadón said.
The Comptroller's Office is also auditing the contract.
Patria Portugal who heads the Ombudsman’s office and has been accused of other spending irregularities like a $3,000 sofa and $200 dollar hats, has refused to consider resigning.