New hospital will be named after Martinelli

JUST DAYS AFTER stating publicly that the naming of an institution was irrelevant, President Ricardo Martinelli has accepted a resolution giving his name to a hospital.

 Despite the hard questions by political leaders and leaders of civic societies, the directors of Social Security decided on Tuesday, June 25 to name a city hospital city project after the president.

The resolution says the decision is based "on the period in which President Martinelli served as director of Social Security and recognized the need for improved infrastructure to provide health for the growing demand of the population, both of the insured and non-insured."
The resolution was delivered to the president by Minister of Health Javier Dí¬az, Social Security Director Javier Sáez Llorens and Social Security Chairman Abel Vergara.
The $578 million. hospital will be located in Clayton. In the last few weeks political leaders and civil society groups questioned the naming of the hospital after the president.