Carriers concerned about introduction of ethanol

PANAMA transportistas including taxis and delivery vehicles met on Sunday, September 1, to voice concerns about the addition of ethanol to gasoline.
On that day at least 149 gas stations nationwide sold 91 and 95 octane gasoline combined with 5% ethanol.
Carriers, some of whom have cars for dating from 1960, are concerned that the Government has not made it clear who will be responsible if their vehicles suffer mechanical damage.
THye issued a call to all citizens to voice their complaints if they have mechanical problems .
Américo Martinez , president of the Provincial Chamber of Panama , told that they are on alert for any damage that may result for their vehicles, many of which have carburetors and will not withstand ethanol.
Carriers had threatened a service shutdown but after a meeting with Interior Minister , Jorge Ricardo Fabrega, it was agreed that there would be more tests.
Martinez said meetings with Fabrega would continue this week and they are looking to reach an agreement,  but he insisted that the Government needs to announce who will be responsible for damages caused by ethanol.
The National Energy Secretariat has denied that ethanol causes damage to vehicles and recommends maintenance and periodic review of the vehicle once they use fuel with 5% of the additive..

Vice President and presidential candidate for the Panameñista Party , Juan Carlos Varela , said Sunday that at the right price [the use of ethanol] can be a good project for the country but it appears that the price at which you buy the ethanol additive is above that approved by law, which means gasoline will be sold at a higher price .
Among the public there is doubt about the ability of the company Campos de Pesé to produce the ethanol and the fact that it has a monopoly.