Martinelli defends appointment of party insider as ombudsperson

PRESIDENT Ricardo Martinelli on Thursday, September 5, rushed to attack critics of the appointment of a CD (Democratic Change) insider  as Ombudsperson.

Lilia Herrera Mow 51, had previously been given an appointment as a judge by Martinelli, and twice ran for office as a deputy, once under the CD banner and once for coalition ally MOLIRENA. Citizen groups and political analysts have questioned the appointment of someone who is to represent the people when challengingthe government but  has close political ties to the ruling administration. 

Martinelli says is unjustified and asked that she be given an opportunity to prove herself.

"She is a very capable and very competent woman, a cancer survivor who has an impeccable track record," Martinelli said. "I am sure she will do an excellent job."

With regard to her ties to the CD, the president said that she shouldn't be "stigmatized" and that it has no bearing on her abilities.

While Deputy Ombudsman Javier Mitil who had temporarily taken on the job after Patria Portugal was fired,was not appointed, it is possible he will remain in his position, government sources said.

Mitil said he has not made any decision and will wait until he meets with Herrera Mow.

Sh met with officials of the entity Thursday and will visit regional offices at a later date.