Roxana Mendez named to run for mayor

ROXANA MÉNDEZ, current mayor of Panama City will be able to run again for the post in the May 2014 in what will likely be a three horse race.

The news comes out after the Democratic Change (CD) primaries on the weekend.

Her pathway to the candidacy was cleared recently when Guillermo Ferrufino, suddenly withdrew for “health” reasons, but he has remained in office as a cabinet minister
Her major challengers will be Jose Blandon (Panamenista) and Jose Fabrega (PRD).
 Blandon is currently sitting as a deputy in the National Assembly. His posters are already on giant billboards across the city. He was, for a period,  advisor and front man for deposed mayor Bosco Vallarino, the first sign that he had eyes on the mayor’s office.
Fabrega’s primary challenger was Bobby Velasquez who bowed out after President Ricardo Martinelli revealed messages claiming that the former head of Sinaproc had threatened violence against his opponent.