First subway joy ride on Friday the 13th

PRESIDENT Ricardo Martinelli went for a ride on his dreamboat – Panama city's Metro subway- on Friday, September 13 and all went smoothly.

He rode from the Albrook station to Cinco De Mayo accompanied by a swarm of government officials.

At the end of his test ride he promised that riding on Central America's only subway system would be cheap and then went on to say that during its probationary period it would be a few steps better than cheap, it would be free.
During the running in period, adjustments will be made and the system fine tuned.
Asked if there will be a unification of the underground system and the Metro Bus, Martinelli sidestepped the questionand said it should be put to Robert Roy, Secretary General of the Secretariat of Panama Metro.
Martinelli said that the operators of the Metro buses has improved somewhat in the provision of their services. but it needed time to adjust. "There must be a waiting period and I'm sure that over time things will get better."
He said pressure is being applie putting pressure and if necessarymore buseswill be added to the system, to the system, and decisions will be made "whether to fine them [the operators]more, but the service needs to improve".
This tour took place during the period of completion of work pn the transit transit system, while tenders are being sought for line 2to the east of the city. Line 3 to Arriajan has been mooted with financial backing from Japan.