New attack on Electoral Tribunal, condemned

AFTER the failed attempt to get a Supreme Court ruling against the Electoral Tribunal (TE) to stick, Martinelli supporters have taken a new tack, raising concerns that there is an attempt under way to steal the 2024 election.

A complaint to the National Assembly, by attorney Honorio Quesada , against the presiding judge of the Electoral Tribunal (TE ) , Erasmo Pinilla \itution was described by various sectors of society as an attack on the institution. 

The notification of Quesada , registered in Democratic Change (CD ) until last August, calling for the immediate removal of Pinilla for allegedly "violating the Constitution " on freedom of expression, by ordering  the suspension of the pro -government attack ads from  Panama Avanza, headed by President Ricardo Martinelli’s former spokesman.
The former leader of the Civil Crusade Aurelio Barria said that this claim "is another official move with which it seeks to intimidate and weaken the authority of the TE " .
Former Electoral tribunal judge j Guillermo Márquez Amado said the move was: "a total attack on the institutions " , and President of the Partido Popular ( PP ) , Milton Henriquez, said: " It is a new attempt to take control of the TE to vitiate the next election."