Iberian companies get $800 million contracts from exiting administration

With a little more than a month before the end of the current administration. Iberian companies have jumped to the head of the line and bidding for construction projects worth  over $800million

On Friday, May 24.y  the Spanish company OHL and the Portuguese Mota Engil became the virtual winners of the construction project of the extension to Villa Zaíta on Line 1 of the Panama Norte Metro. The companies form the Línea Norte Panamá Consortium and obtained the best score among the economic proposals received. The bid was $203,931,876, against a reference price of $218,578,185. Its technical score was 303 points out of  510, remaining below the second and third place bidders..

The highest technical score went to corresponded to the ACPC Consortium Line 1, with 341. bu its proposal of $249,688,397 exceeded the reference price.

The Brazilian company Odebrecht and the Spanish FCC, which built Line 1 and 2, ranked third among four proposals that were presented. Theis consortium obtained 309 points in its technical proposal and offered $247,512,067.

Ariel Arjona,  president of the evaluation committee said that the participating companies have until Wednesday to submit observations on the evaluation report. If no claim is presented, the contract will be awarded to the Línea Norte Consortium, which will have 33 months to build the project, after based on the order to proceed.

 Children’s hospital
 In the bidding for the $614 million Hospital del Nino project  Acciona Construcción obtained the highest score of the evaluation committee with 87.92points, while its competitor, Camce Hospital Consortium, had  72 points.

Camce obtained the highest score in his economic proposal (40 points) and in economic solvency (30 points) but got zero points for experience. .

The Ministry of Health awarded Acciona the contract for construction of the new hospital, a project that has been delayed for six years.

The new hospital will be built on the grounds of the old US Embassy on Ave Balboa.

Earlier this year Spanish media reported that Acciona Group agreed to pay 60 million euros to the government of Aragon to settle its civil liability in the so-called Casa Plaza scandal. The Anticorruption prosecutor calculated up to $147 million deviation of public funds, invoices and false certifications of work in which participated, among others, former high socialist posts of the autonomous community and managers in Aragón de Acciona, The work in question exceeded $360 million.