PRD leaders rally to Navarro at campaign event

A PHALANX of senior PRD stalwarts turned out on Sunday to paste over cracks in the leadership,  at a presidential campaign event for their candidate ,Juan Carlos Navarro.

After a weekend of verbal slanging between the candidate and the PRD ‘s former General Secretary Mitchell Doens, Navarro said on Monday, Dcemb 2 said today that he does not have any worries about being supported by the senior leaders of the party.

"With their unconditional support, I have no doubt that we will win," he said.
Navarro also downplayed the criticism lobbed at him by Doens, saying that theremarks are not the consensus of the party's leaders, but rather singular comments.
At the Sunday evemt Navarro was supported by Balbina Herrera and Benicio Robinson, two long-time party leaders. He was also supported by senior members Héctor Alemán and Rogelio Paredes.
For now, anyway, it seems that Navarro is once again in the good graces of the majority of the party's leadership says La Prensa.