Lucy Molinar disgusted and ashamed of election dirty tricks

DIRTY campaign tactics that are being used through social networks and anonymous cell phones got a tongue lashing on Monday. January 27, from Education Minister Lucy Molinar (CD).

Molinar said she feels "disgusted and ashamed" of what is going on. She said that she has tried to avoid these sites because of their content.

The minister called for the education sector to stop forwarding these messages, and said that it is a shame that the country has fallen so low, reports La Prensa.
"When you wonder why decent people are not involved in politics, you understand why after you see things like this," she said
Tribunal Electoral Judge Erasmo Pinilla has also condemned the campaigns. Last week he said the election should focus on a debate of ideas.
"If we don't straighten the course, we are going to have a violent campaign," said Pinilla.
There have been complaints of dirty tricks by CD supporters including a group led by a former Presidential Palace spokesman.