New blood to aid  legislature which has lost its way


 Panama’sNational Assembly  has lost its sense of direction  says The Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture which will be keeping a sharp lookout for the “great transformations” that can occur  with the new young blood showing the way.

In its weekly release t statement on Sunday, June 23 the Chamber said: “The Legislature is considered the most important of the organs of state machinery. Its members, as happens with the President of the Republic, are

elected by citizen suffrage. Together, they show the representativeness of thevarious political forces. And, what is more important, the Political Constitutionassigns them the task of legislating for the common good.

“Unfortunately, such a function is not what has happened in recent years. The Legislative Body has lost its direction as an effective interpreter of the democratic aspirations of Panamanians, being also affected by the institutional deterioration suffered at a general level”, says the Chamber

Given this reality, the Chamber of Commerce believes that this can change for the better, “if those who are going to shape it now align the National Assembly with the Panamanian purpose of recovering the lost institutionality”.

Young blood
The deputies elected in the elections on May 5, received from their voters the clear commitment to abandon practices that embarrass us all and make the Legislative Branch a source of legitimate pride and more with the arrival of new young people, in whom A courageous front is expected to undertake the changes that they undertook to carry out. It is to be hoped that this healthy spirit of transformation will find echo and ways of action in the other groups of deputies, which were renewed by more than 75%.

“The expected performance of the new Assembly is of a historical significance because of its direct impact on our governability, which is defined by the separation of public powers; its full independence; and its ability to provide the country with the laws that demand its objectives of national realization, said the Chamber,t