FARC agreement irreversible -UN

THE SIGNING of the agreement in point three of the peace process between the Colombian government of and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) is" now irreversible," says the UN representative there.

In an interview with El Tiempo, Fabrizio Hochschild said he was "excited" by the progress in the dialogue and that " lthough there are still very difficult issues" to discuss an agreement on the solution to the drug problem in negotiations with the (FARC ) .

"On behalf of the United Nations we are very excited about this agreement. This third agreement we have reached a tipping point in the negotiations, although there are still difficult issues.
The talks in Havana has shown maturity and wisdom to reach agreements. I think the process is now “irreversible “he said.
Furthermore, the UN the representative insisted that progress “has an impact in the global fight against drugs " and stated that " there is no doubt that having now reached an agreement on this third point that is at the heart of the conflict we are much closer to peace."
The delegations of the government of President Juan Manuel Santos and the FARC signed the agreement Friday , nine days hold before presidential elections. The dialogue started in November 2012 in Cuba .
The guerrillas agreed, among other things , to end its relationship with drugs, while the government said it will boost programs to replace illegal crops, as well as support for those applying new policies in the Colombian countryside .