Electoral prosecutor pulls complaint against La Prensa

THE WINDS OF CHANGE are sweeping through Panama’s administrative system, ranging from decisions in the Supreme Court to the withdrawal of a criminal complaint against La Prensa.

 Electoral prosecutor, Eduardo Penaloza, famed for his lack of action during the run up to the election, and now destined for the exit door. has withdrawn a the criminal complaint filed last April , for the alleged violation of the privacy of his two sons, through publications in La Prensa and Mi Diario.

 In his complaint , the prosecutor cited a note published by La Prensa, February 3 , about a record of the database created by the ruling Democratic Change (CD ) containing family information, and employment details of Panamanians. Thanks to the database, it was known that the Penaloza sons were CD members and public servants. Penaloza that the revelations endangered the lives and safety of his family.