WELCOME to Newsrooms new image

WELCOME to the “new look” Newsroom Panama marking our rise, in May, to 75,000 page visits a month and climbing. Through Tuesday Night and Wednesday our 8,000 plus, earlier news items, columns and features were transferred, and somehow we had to create time to provide new items. It will take a few days for all the sections visible on the home page to be totally filled with new material, but we are working on it. So if you see some out of date “news” bear with us. They will be replaced in the next day or two.

 In the meantime, feel free to explore the different titles, and their sub categories.

all of the previous itms may be accessed by going to the search panel. 

By the weekend we hope to have in place the first of our new picture folders, enabling us to provide you with extended photographic coverage of social events.

Through the balance of June and July, we are offering advertisers a special introductory bonus. For information go to advertising@newsroompanama.com