Political decisions and current energy crisis

Political decisions led to current energy crisis
POLITICAL decision-making during the last administration severely worsened the energy situation in the country, said Minister of Economy and Finance Dulcidio de la Guardia on Wednesday, July 9.
The minister, who is leading a commission that will evaluate the electricity sector, explained that improvisation and lack of planning also contributed to the energy problems the government now faces.
“After a general review of how the energy issue was handled, we have concluded that we have a critical situation,” he said. “All of these situations were covered through an absurd subsidy program that this year may exceed $475 million” reports La Prensa
Other aspects that have influenced the energy sector are the poor planning of a third transmission line and the hiring of companies that did not have the resources to develop the projects which they pledged to complete.
The minister said that currently the situation is being analyzed so that solutions can be found.