Community boards on illegal $240 million spending spree

COMMUNITY boards in Panama received $240 million over the last five year,. $156 million more than was allowed leading the presiding judge of the Electoral Tribunal, (TE) Erasmo Pinilla, to  declaret is time for the abuses that have been committed in the country against the public purse, to be investigated.

 Pinilla’s statements came when asked for his opinion of the news that the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) while analyzing the national treasury disbursements of the previous administration has identified irregularities in 153 community boards across the country,
The MEF alleged that it found a number of irregularities in the handling of funds of the community boards, which should have received only $84 million over the period 2009-2014.
However, they received $ 240 million in the five years; ie, $ 156 million more than provided by law.
Pinilla said that all Panamanians should be very pleased that for the first time the misuse of public funds is being investigated
He added that community boards identified in the complaints were already investigated by the Electoral Tribunal, over election results.
Pinilla clarified to the media that the TE electoral spending audits have nothing to do audits conducted by the MEF.
Community boards on illegal $240 million spending spree
COMMUNITY boards in Panama received $240, million over the last five year. $156 million more than was allowed which leads to the presiding judge of the Electoral Tribunal, (TE) Erasmo Pinilla declaring it is time for the abuses that have been committed in the country against the public purse to be investigated.
Pinilla’s statements came when asked for his opinion of the news that the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) while analyzing the national treasury disbursements of the previous administration has identified irregularities in 153 community boards across the country,
The MEF alleged that it found a number of irregularities in the handling of funds of the community boards, which should have received only $84 million over the period 2009-2014.
However, they received $ 240 million in the five years; ie, $ 156 million more than provided by law.
Pinilla said that all Panamanians should be very pleased that for the first time the misuse of public funds is being investigated
He added that community boards identified in the complaints were already investigated by the Electoral Tribunal, over election results.
Pinilla clarified to the media that the TE electoral spending audits have nothing to do audits conducted by the MEF.