November revelation of Italy-Panama wire taps in $25 million bribery case

 INTERCEPTED phone calls between Italy and Panama related to the alleged diversion of over $25 million in bribes for contracts awarded by the administration of Ricardo Martinelli to the Italian Finmeccanica company, will be made public November 20.

The telephone conversations about the contracts worth about $250 million were intercepted by the Guardia di Finanza of Naples and are evidence in the trial against international corruption in Panama of Valter Lavítola
The President of the Second Section of the Court of Rome, Adele Rando has officially given the court experts’ transcriptions of telephone conversations that the prosecutor of the court of Rome, Paolo Lelo offers as evidence for the prosecution.
The wiretaps according to Lelo, show the diversion of over $25 million
La Prensa, has been told that the intercepted calls include at least one between Lavítola and Panama’s former president , Martinelli, which so far has not come to light because of the diplomatic immunity granted him as head of state

Neither the content nor the partners of the discussions will be known until November 20 when Finance agents from Naples are called to testify before the judges of the court of Rome. The agents oversaw the police operation.
Meanwhile, The Wall Street Journal, reports that India Police arrested on Wednesday Gautam Khaitan, the lawyer who brokered the diversion of up to $67 million in kickbacks in the purchase of 12 helicopters from Agusta Westland, a subsidiary of Finmeccanica.
Khaitan is suspected of having laundered about $ 27 million of the total bribe that was designed to benefit senior officials of the Indian state.