CD call center embezzlement case moves ahead

FORMER government vice minister Luis Eduardo Camacho González will have to face up to prosecution s for alleged embezzlement by the management of a call center to proselytize in favor of the Democratic Change (CD) in the elections of May 4.

The Thirteenth Court upheld the order of investigation .
On September 17 Camacho González was quoted by the second anticorruption prosecutor, Lizzett Chevalier, to surrender an inquiry statement for alleged links with the use of funds from the National Assembly for the operation of the call center operating in the H2O building on Balboa Avenue, but his lawyers filed an “objection” against that decision.
On October 3, the court issued an order which rejected the objection ordered the prosecution to proceed with the inquiry.
During his appearance Camacho González invoked Article 25 of the Constitution, which states that “no one is compelled to testify in criminal, correctional or police case against himself, his spouse or relatives within the fourth degree of consanguinity or second degree “.
The prosecution also filed charges against Giancarlo Terán, an official of the Ministry of Trade and Industry, who reported the existence of the call center and the use of resources of the Assembly for its operation.
Statements were also made to former officials of the National Assembly who worked in the call center to explain the source of funds for their fees and the hours they worked.