Panama may close boarders to Ebola hot spot travelers

PANAMA’S Ministry of Health (MoH) is considering closing the borders to people from the three West African countries where the Ebola virus is raging.

The issue is being discussed by an Inter-Agency Committee, of the MoH and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs coordinated by Rafael Perez and created to review the Ebola problem.
Perez says the committee will determine whether Panama will follow the decision of neighboring country of Colombia, or even allow transit passengers at Tocumen International Airport to people who come from Liberia, Sierra Leone or New Guinea.
“The National Director of Health, Barahona Itza Mosca said they have asked organizers of international events to tell people living in countries at risk to refrain from coming to Panamauntil this situation is controlled.
The issue is being analyzed following the guidelines of the International Health Regulations.
The regulations saythat entry to citizens of other countries, should not be prohibited but the country can do so in the best interests of public or national health
President, Juan Carlos Varela, said the government has allocated resources to adapt to the Ebola issue.