Call for detention of scandal brokerage principals

THE LEGAL defense of Mayte Pellegrini, one of the 13 accused of financial crimes to the detriment of Financial Pacific (FP) brokerage ,  has asked the Fourteenth Circuit Prosecutor to order preventive detention and questioning of four former employees of the brokerage..

The brief, to which La Prensa  had access, was introduced on Monday, October 27 by Pellegrini, calling for preventive detention and questioning of  ex directors Ivan Valdes and exdirectors  West Clare; the compliance officer Mariel Rodriguez and Oscar Rodriguez stockbroker.

Pellegrini, detained at the women’s prison, claimed that the real perpetrators of the embezzlee millions decided to wash their hands of her.

The FP Embezzlement is approximately $12million missing from the recorded balances and the  bank accounts  of the brokerage.

Pellegrini’s lawyers indicated that the process has taken a new turn after the audit report of December 28, 2012 of the Superintendency of Securities (SMV), which was incorporated into the record.

They argued that the experts of the SMV Jazmín Carrasco, Galina Chávez, Gustavo Gordón y Edrick Rodríguez indicated in affidavits indicated that those responsible for the irregularities reflected in the report are the four exdirectors cited.

“It is true that I am responsible for administrative matters, but I’m not tied to theft; they are two different things, “Clare replied when questioned  by La Prensa

“It’s been two and a half years  this year, and it is clear that she (Pellegrini) is the culprit, plus 12 others charged,” he added.

Clare claimed that none of the four former employees whose detention has been requested  are responsible for the embezzlement.

After two administrative interventions, last August 11 SMV ordered the forced liquidation of the brokerage.
