Panama Viejo website gets face lift

AN UPDATED  beautifully illustrated  website for Panama’s historic Panama Viejo promises to provide a boost for  tourism and local education projects.

The address updated this month, contains stunning aerial and ground level views and, according to its creators, the website is institutional “fresh, attractive, different and easy to navigate” but only in Spanish.
The redesign of the website is the result of a cooperative venture in which researchers, teachers, children, tourists and businesses dedicated to tourism, raised their sights seeking to make a powerful statement.
After its restructuring, the page provides a detailed map of the archaeological site and museum which in 2003 was declared a World Heritage by UNESCO.
Additionally viewers can plan -through the “Education” section – educational tours for students and teachers at the colonial structures that mark the first European settlement on the American Pacific Coast, in 1519.
The website provides information on costs, schedules, recommendations for visits, how to organize a group or individual tour and has a downloadable plan illustrating all the monuments for a more rewarding visit “News” is another subdivision where data is shared about activities of interest being developed on the site.
Volunteer programs and internships, as well as a detailed list of professionals who run specialized areas such as archeology, architecture and conservation of buildings, among others, can be found on the new platform.