Specs for new childrens hospital well advanced

SPECIFICATIONS for a new tender for construction of a Children’s hospital to replace the degraded Hospital del Nino are being prepared by Panama’s Ministry of Health, (MoH) which expects to publish them before year end.
After having detected anomalies and the subsequent cancellation of the tender to build a new hospital the previous MoH said the specifications would be ready in mid-2015.

Health Minister, Francisco Javier Terrietes, said “… The specifications for the new tender are well advanced, and the consultation process began with the board members of the Hospital del Nino , medical staff members of Santo Tomas Hospital, as the plan is to build a maternity ward in the new facilities of the hospital “

Jaime Maduro, a Lions Club member and former director of the board, told Prensa.com that “… ‘construction of this new hospital should not be delayed any longer, as current facilities are very old and lack the capacity to meet the high demand from users.'”