OFF THE CUFF: Anti corruption march a Panama Spring?

THE RECENT BARRAGE of revelations of alleged corruption, unjustified enrichment and high rolling lifestyle of senior members of the Martinelli government and the Supreme Court has finally hit home with Panama citizens from all walks of life,  who are expected to turn up in their hundreds, perhaps thousands, on Sunday,November r 23 to march in protest at corruption and to demand transparency and harsh punishment for the offenders.
They will be condemning the previous administration and firing a warning shot across the bows of the present administration, demanding action to curb the blight on life in the country
The alleged unjustified enrichment of Alejandro Moncada Luna, separated from the Supreme Court; The disappearance of millions of dollars from National Assistance Program, which ended up in the accounts of its former director Rafael Guard and property accumulated by the former Minister of Social Development Guillermo Ferrufino are only three examples from a long list, says La Prensa.
There is a sense of impunity. Civil society leaders consider that in the last five years the State was being robbed by a “criminal network”.
“We are outraged, outrage is the word for abhorrence and disgust at what is happening, ” says Alfredo Motta, of the Independent Movement for Panama.
“We who have a more comfortable position cannot sit idly by, we have to move forward because the country belongs to everyone … he said on TVMetro
Educator Maui Saint Malo, a harsh critique of the old political practices, said that a march against corruption sends a clear message to the current administration and those who follow..
“Do not let this happen again.” He says bluntly: “Society is appalled and disgusted … we all knew that they were stealing, but did not imagine they had stolen so much.”
Indeed, civil society and business have called the march against corruption on Sunday morning at 7:30 on the Cinta Costera opposite the Hilton.
The Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture of Panama urged employers and employees of uild to go to the activity to demand “transparency, accountability, research and certainty of punishment. Say Mauricio de la Guardia, president of the organization.
They will also be asking the authorities too investigate and punish “exemplary” acts of corruption, embezzlement and unjust enrichment. They require affidavits of goods of all management officials with authority and jurisdiction, that they were required by law to make at the end of their functions to be audited.
They are requesting the seizing of all the money that was used to acquire property or ended up in accounts of officials, land asking the procurement laws and regulations that punish the unjust enrichment, among others be reformed.
Could this be the beginning of a “Panama Spring” and the breaking of the unending chain of corruption among the political governing classes?