Public Ministry will move on PAN corruption

THE PUBLIC MINISTRY (MP) will investigate cases of corruption in the National Assistance Program (PAN) said President, Juan Carlos Varela on Wednesday, December 3 during a surprise tour of the province of Colón to participate in religious activities in honor of St. Francis Xavier, patron of the community of La Feria, in the village of Christopher .

“The case of this institution is much bigger than it looks and it will involve authorities of the Public Ministry (MP) including the Attorney’ General’s office, to clarify it,” said Varela/
Attorney Kenya Porcell was designated as the new Attorney General, on Tuesday.
Referring to his visit to Atlantic coast, Varela said that the community was formed by the religious order of the Jesuits and he came to the province to accompany the priest of the parish and the bishop for a community that needs a lot of spiritual guidance.