Key to PAN corruption investigation still in Intensive Care

THE FORMER director of Panama’s National Assistance Program (PAN) Giacomo Tamburrelli remains in the Intensive Care Unit of the San Fernando. Hospital after a second heart surgery procedure.

Tamburrelli was operated on by cardiologist Silvino Ruiz Simonto open narrowed arteries and a clogged heart).
It was originally reported on December 21 that Tamburrelli would leave the hospital December 25.
Tamburrelli, despite being in the medical center, remains under of house arrest since last December 15, for possible irregularities in a contract of $45 million for dehydrated foods, which would be distributed in public schools in Veraguas, Cocle, Bocas del Toro and country areas.
Students allegedly suffered stomach problems after eating these foods. “Shards” were also found, say reports from the directors of schools.
Tamburrelli was to have made another appearance before anti-corruption prosecutors, on Tuesday, when he had promised to reveal names of high ranking government figures involved in PAN corruption. He has already fingered ex-president Ricardo Martinelli as the person who ordered the signing of the contract and Martinelli’s private secretary