Panameista deputy files criminal charge against Martinelli

PANAMEÑISTA Party deputy José Luis Varela has joined the growing list of victims of wiretapping in the Martinell years who have filed  criminal complaints. On Wednesday, January 28 he filed a criminal complaintagainst the former president Ricardo Martinelli
Varela went to the Assistant Attorney’ General’s Office, where he said the National Security Council intercepted telephone conversations and emails.
The deputy said that he and his wife and children were victims of the surveillance which constitutes a flagrant violation of human rights.
Political leader Mauro Zúñiga also attended, earlier, at the headquarters of the Deputy Attorney General, where he confirmed that he and several relatives were subject to surveillance, wiretapping and interception of telephone conversations during the Martinelli administration.
Zuniga said he will file a criminal complaint and a civil claim for the damages caused by the actions of “cowards”, reports La Prensa.
The former directors of the Security Council and Alejandro Gustavo Pérez Garuz are now detained in La Gran Joya rison facing charges of violation of privacy
Perez and Garuz are being questioned for allegedly engaging in espionage on 150 people, as recorded in several files that were discovered involving are personal conversations of ex-presidents, political leaders, businessmen and even US citizens.
The spy equipment remain missing.