40 Martinelli insider bank accounts frozen

A NEW BOMBSHELL has hit the “zero (inner) circle” of the Martinelli administration with  the freezing  of at least 40 accounts of former vice president and businessman Felipe Alejandro Pipo Virzi, whose name first surfaced over an interest free loan to jailed ex-Supreme Court judge, Alejandro Moncada Luna.

The freeze order came from Third Anti-Corruption Prosecutor, Zuleika Moore, on Thursday, May 28.

The action was taken in the middle of investigations into the alleged commission of crimes against public administration at the expense of the Ministry of Agricultural Development (MIDA), after the failed Tonosi Irrigation plan  in Tonosí, Los Santos

The investigations began after the La Prensa  newspaper exposed the failed project in August last year.

 The Ecuadorian firm Hidalgo & Hidalgo won the $155 million contract in May 2012.

After being favored with the project, the company wrote a $5.2 million check, dated August 9 2012- to Pipo Virzi.

The authorities have also identified a bank transfer of $5 million made by the same company to a Pipo Virzi  account in the Universal Bank, in which the Virzi family is a major  shareholder.

In other words, the businessman received payments of some $10 million from Hidalgo & Hidalgo.

Meanwhile, prosecutor sources say the payments correspond to “bribes”. That “is clear”, said the sources.

Pipo Virzi will have to support the payments to authorities investigating a possible case of money laundering, according to sources linked to the  investigation.

The check for $5.2 million was endorsed by Pipo Virzi to another account in the Universal Bank, on behalf of  Summer Venture, Inc., whose signatories are: Ricardo Ricky Calvo Latorraca, Magdalena Latorraca Esposito de Calvo, and  Felipe Alejandro Virzi.

It is not the first time Summer Venture,- registered in April 2012- has been linked to a scandal says La Prensa. It was also mentioned in the investigation against then judge of the Supreme Court Moncada Luna for the purchase of two apartments worth $1.7 million

At that time the Deputy Pedro Miguel Gonzalez, who was acting as prosecutor of  Moncada Luna, ordered the seizure of that  bank account. 
Not even five days passed from receipt of the $5.2 million, when it was endorsed Pipo Virzi  for the account of Summer Venture, before a  dozen checks totaling  to $5.2 million dollar were made out  to members of the Martinelli “zero cycle” and a former Democratic Change candidate for election to the  National Assembly, to a company linked to Martinelli and possibly a former official of MIDA.

The evaluation committee had awarded a “perfect” rating to the company Hidalgo & Hidalgo, who competed with two other bidders.

A copy of the $5.2 million check rests in the record of the Third Anti-Corruption Prosecutor, investigating  the disbursement of $37.4 million by  the  last government to Hidalgo & Hidalgo, despite the project called Tonosí Irrigation System –not – even having  land for its construction.

The work was suspended by the  current Minister of Agricultural Development, Jorge Arango, who claimed that “this project is not appropriate” “There are indications that there were cost overruns, advances of 20% that were not due. That was the last government modus operandi, “he said.

The  $155 million contract included an advance of $31 million for “initial expenses”  to “expedite the implementation of the project.”

 Arango said: “The company did studies, built a camp, laid roads to reach the study points and equipment was purchased. However, the state has paid more than the company has spent… with no justification for a single penny.”

The evaluation committee awarded Hidalgo & Hidalgo, – which competed with two others – a “perfect rating.”

 On Monda, May 18, after several hours of questioning, the Third Anti-Corruption Prosecution ordered the detention of Juan Antonio Hurtado, president of the company.

He was arrested at Tocumen International Airport as he prepared to flee Panama.

Alban Crespo. the company manager,  was also arrested at Tocumen while attempting to flee. Crespo was the person who signed – the contract on – behalf of Hidalgo & Hidalgo.