Another former Minister facing Corruption questions

THE former Minister of Agricultural Development, Oscar Osorio, is the latest name to surface in the Tonosí irrigation system scandal where millions of dollars were transferred from the contracting company Hidalgo & Hidalgo, in Los Santos, to members of the former ruling party inner circle.

 Osario’s name will be added to the scroll of infamy of former Martinelli Cabinet Ministers facing charges in parallel investigations into the National Assistance Program (PAN) irregularities, when he faces the Third Anti-Corruption Prosecutor
It was also reported that Abdiel Atencion, who received a check for $ 20 000 from Felipe “Pipo” Virzi. will be called in for interrogation. It is believed that Atencion was an official of the Ministry of Agricultural Development, Reports La Prensa.
As part of these proceedings, Virzi, who received $ 10 million -through a check and bank transfer frpm Hidalgo & Hidalgo, shortly after the company was favored with the contract for the failed Tonosí irrigation project,
Anti-Corruption prosecutor. Zuleyka Moore has also called or the appearance of Gabriel “Gaby” Btesh and Ricardo “Ricky” Calvo. TVN reports said Btesh was in Israel and Calvo in Miami.
Hidalgo & Hidalgo won the contract for $ 155 million to build an irrigation system. The work was never completed. The Ecuadorian company received advance payments of $37.4 million which, according to the Agriculture Ministry, were not justified.