Suspended bank customers in limbo

CUSTOMERS of the parent company of Banco Universal in the city of David worried about their deposits, are organizing to demand the early release of funds from the Superintendency of Banks of Panama (SBP). 

Operation of the Virzi family owned bank, is in the hands of the Superintendency for at least 30 days, and for many customers with limited resources, the suspension creates an urgent cash flow problem.                                                          
“An official of the Superintendency of Banks told us to wait a month for the takeover to be resolved, but I’m retired and I cannot wait. I already have accounts at the cutting edge, “said Ana Olaciregui.

On Saturday,June 6 Aurelio Perez of the Superintendency of Banks, visited the branch and offered explanations to customers expressing desperation reports La Prensa
Perez said he was not authorized to give statements. Those affected questioned the Superintendency for not sending a senior official.
A banking sector worker who attended the meeting, questioned the explanations of the SBP representative. “He did not clarify the issue of accounts “The SBP would not have to retain those funds,” he said.
Deidamia Sanchez, a minority shareholder, said “It will be difficult for the bank to recover with the same name. People deposit in places where there is trust. “