3 Taxi accidents kill 2, injure 9,. road carnage hits 195

TAXIS were involved in three recent serious road incidents killing two people and injuring at least five, one seriously. bringing the death toll on Panama roads so far this year to 195.

On Saturday, June 13 at 5:00 pm a taxi made an illegal turn on the Panamerican on the neighborhood El Palmarneighborhood of Arraiján.
The 33-year-old driver of the other vehicle was killed instantly, and his passenger seriously injured.
The taxi ended up overturned in a ditch.
On the same day, four people were injured when a taxi heading to San Martin was totally written off after a collision with a pickup truck at the Roberto de Diego intersection in Chitre, Herrera province. Earlier in the week a fast moving taxi was involved in a head on collision with another taxi driven by a member of a salvation evangelical church carrying passengers from a church meeting. The 48-year-old father of five, was killed. and his four passengers injured.
The accident occurred on Tuesday, June 9 on the road leading to the community of Cabra, at Cerro Azul, Diciembre 24.
Meanwhile a destroyed and burned taxi vehicle was found on the weekend in El Brujo in the district of Barrios Unidos, Cocle. It is presumed that this vehicle was the one involved in a robbery and killing in Aguadulce by two thugs, posing as passenger. The criminals boarded the taxi near the public library and then beat and gagged the driver leaving the body lying on the banks of a creek.