Anti-hydro protestors block Transamerica highway

AFTER a four hour march some 50 indigenous ethnic Ngäbe Bugle from the Tolé community reached the entrance to the Barro Blanco hydro electric project and blocked four lanes of the Transamerica Highway causing major traffic log jam on Monday, June 15.

The protesters joined the group “September 22 Movement” which has been stationed for eight days at the entrance of the project preventing the entry of workers.
The protesters are demanding the presence of President Juan Carlos Varela.
“September 22 Movement” which is stationed for eight days at the entrance of the project preventing the entry of workers.
The protesters are demanding the presence of President Juan Carlos Varela.
Isthmus Generating Company, S.A. (Genisa), project leader, has publicly complained that cannot enter the site which is already 95% complete.