Indigenous groups resume road closings

THE THREAT of Indigenous leaders to close highways to back their demand for the closing of the Barro Blanco hydroelectric was realized on Tuesday, August 4,when 200 protestors blocked the highway to Chiriqui Grande-Almirante, at Norteño in in the province of Bocas del Toro.

The road closing is in solidarity with the indigenous Ngäbe Bugle in the district of Tole, Chiriqui, demanding once and for all the closing of the project project Ambrosio Martinez, leader of the Indians in Bocas, said the road will remain blocked until the President, Juan Carlos Varela, presents the order to cancel the project which “affects Mother Earth”.
He said they will continue to communicate directly with the protesters in Tolé and added that it is possible that as the hours pass, more indigenous groups in the country will get involved with road closings.