13 women rescued in sexual trafficking crackdown

THIRTEEN WOMEN who were victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation, were discovered in a crackdown by Panama’s Special Prosecutor for Organized Crime and the External and Foreign Affairs Division of the National Police this week.

During the raid four foreigners were captured -three Brazilian and a Venezuelan four foreigners were arrested and charged for their alleged links to a network dedicated to people trafficking,
A prosecution source told La Prensa that some of the victims revealed that they were brought to Panama under ‘delusion’ and were sexually exploited in brothels in the capital.
Organized crime prosecutors, led by Nahaniel Murgas, have uncovered, 21 cases of trafficking for sexual and labor purposes during the last two years.
The law establishes prison sentences of 15-20 years for the trafficking crime and 20 to 30 years when committed by deluding the victims.