Two more corruption suspects held in cells
AFTER 13 HOURS of intense questioning, two more former senior officials in the Ricardo Martinelli aministration (2009-14) were denied the comforts of home and sent to join a swelling list of corruption suspects behind bars at the Judicial Research Csnter in Ancon.(DIJ) on Friday, Agust 7.
Eduardo Briceño, former director of the Government Architecture Technology and Innovation Authority (AIG) got his detention order from the First Anti-Corruption Prosecutor.
His interrogation took place simultaneously another former head of the AIG, Eduardo Jaen, who also received a lock-up order
Both are accused of crimes against public administration.
The research by Anti-corrupion prosecutor Tania Sterling follows a complaint filed in January by Irvin Halman, current manager of the AIG, alleging that irregularities occurred in a contract awarded to the company Innovative Venture, SA in March 2014.
According to the lawsuit, that company did not install the mobile messaging platform – Criptext- for 100 officials of the Public Ministry, the Ministry of Public Security, the National Police and the Ministry of the Presidency, as established the contract.
The $211, 850 contract was awarded two months before the May 2014 elections In the complaint filed by Halman he requested investigation of a direct contract for a security application that was still “in development” when, according to Halman, such platforms were already developed and operating , for free or at very low cost.
Edgar Rodriguez, former Director of Technology at AIG is also under investigation and was arrested on Monday August 3rd Rodriguez International Airport as he prepared to leave the country,
H is accused of committing crimes against public administration and is under country arrest and must report once a week for ongoing investigation.