Lack of Water in Panama Alarms Business Leaders

BUSINESS leaders have joined with citizens across the country increasingly concerned about sustainable delivery of potable water.

Panama’s Chamber of Commerce Industry and Agriculture has issued a strongly worded call for government action.
“It is unacceptable that in a country with enviable economic growth and being the fifth country in the world with the most rainfall” there is no secured access to clean water for its inhabitants.” says a press release.
It adds that the Chamber have expressed to the President its willingness to actively cooperate to achieve the objective of “100% water” proposed by the government plan to provide the country with this resource 24 hours a day.

“It is unacceptable that there are thousands Panamanians who do not receive water continuously and there are even those who do not have this essential liquid at all. This serious problem has transcended different government administrations, who do not want to assume the political cost that its solution represents.”