Guatemala president facing impeachment

GUATEMALA’S The Public Ministry of Guatemala   has called for the impeachment of President Otto Perez Molina for his alleged likely involvement in a customs fraudnetwork known as “La Línea.”

The Public Prosecutor   and The International Commission Against Impunity (CICIG) hae filed a request  o lift the immunity of Perez Molina and to carry out a formal investigation based on the evidence which has been gathered.

There have been street demonstrations calling for his resignation, but he has refused to step down.

Ivan Velasquez, head of CICIG, said that “… there is evidence that can be presented in court and that supports the request to waive the immunity of Perez Molina.” Both actions were announced on Friday. reports that “… Officials have offered details about the investigation on the “first level” of those implicated. As a first action, the Supreme Court t morning was presented with a request for impeachment against the chief executive, indicating the crimes of conspiracy and active bribery.. Velasquez said that given the overall systematic analysis, with wiretapping and review of documents seized in raids, the conclusion is that the terms “the head honcho,” “the lady honcho”, “number 1”, “number 2” , “the lady”, “the owner of the farm” referring to the president and the vice-president .