Tax raiders hit 50 businesses in Casco Viejo

CASCO VIEJO  is a tourist Mecca but, according to The Directorate General of Revenue (DGI), also  a hive of  commercial tax avoiders and  next week some 50 of them  will be hit with  hefty fines.

The sanctions follow raids on -restaurants and bars on Friday night, August 28 They all  failed “to implement the provision of tax equipment for proper operation of their businesses.”

Tulio Escobar, DGI. Consultant said that of the 50 facilities inspected, 90% showed irregularities. “They had no proper signs, no  operation notices,  had not delivered invoices, nor had the correct tax machines,” he said.

He added that the DGI will evaluate reports prepared on Friday night , and during the course of the week will be notifying the relevant business of their  sanctions for breaking the law.

He said that the fines imposed by the institution on businesses that  do  not have adequate tax  equipment range from $1,000  to $5,000 for first time offenders, , and from $5000 to $ 15,000 dollars in case of recidivism, plus the closure of the establishment for  between 2-10 days.

Escobar warned that the operations will continue and multiply throughout the country.