Panama Tourism targeting Colombia,Costa Rica

ONLY A TINY  percentage of Facebook followers click on ads but Panama’sTourism Authority (ATP) is gambling that enough Colombian and Costa Rican addicts will take time to press an index finger to justify a $200,000 investment.

That’’s the amount it has  approved for a project to boost visits  from the two countries

The Authority has  an agreement with Air Panama to promote local destinations in Medellin and Armenia in Colombia, and San Jose, Costa Rica.
The $200,000, includes $100,000 for digital advertising campaigns through Facebook and Google.
It also includes  the placement of ad on the back of five buses on internal routes within San Jose.
There are also ads on the  Destinations TV channel (Costa Rica), and a billboard in Medellin.
The ATP and Air Panama are seeking to increase passenger traffic from  these locations by 30% (equivalent to 90 additional passengers a day), expected to spend $ 20 million in six months at the ratio of one thousand $1,100 per visitor (including tickets, hotels, dining and shopping).