Construction strike slows drivers, hits Canal expansion

STRIKING construction Workers  blocked The Corredor Sur on Tuesday  November 24 as they marched in the rain from Costa Del Este towards the Cinta Costera, but the inconvenience to motorists was minimal  compared to the potential costs for the Panama Canal expansion.

When the 24 hour strike was called, GUPC, the consortium doing the work, communicated to the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) that it qualifies for relief under the contract for the project.

“The manufacturer reserves all rights to defend themselves according to the provisions of the contract,” warned GUPC in a note to the ACP.

Union leaders said the strike has been called to protest lack of government action on a a number of social issues.

Panamanian Chamber of Construction President Roderick McGowen said that the strike is a breach of the collective agreement between the contractor and the employees and that it is political in nature.