Let them eat PAN is history

PANAMA’S scandal ridden National Assistance Program (PAN), that during the Martinelli years  became a conduit for transferring public funds from the public purse to the pockets of high ranking government officials and corrupt wheelers and dealers, who described themselves as “entrepreneurs”, is no more.

The Secretary of State Communication has announced the end of the entity that underlined  the Ricardo Martinelli campaign slogan: “They came with empty pockets and left millionaires” a reference to the previous government.

When in power Martinelli liked to boast that he ran a government of businessmen, which, as the scandals unfolded, and millions of  dollars were stolen, quickly led a cynical public  to note that  entrepreneurs was a fancy name for ladrones (thieves) who  reversed  the Marie Antoinette “let them eat cake”  fable as they rushed to the PAN (bread) bin.

Some of them who  flashed  their extra millions with the acquisition of luxury mansions, yachts, and high end automobiles will find themselves leading a more parsimonious life, as their cases come before the courts, and even the new  “VIP” wing rumored to be planned for El Renacer Prison, will not be providing the comforts of home.

The scouring of the corruption pot, labeled “political persecution” by those affected, will lead to new faces on the political scene who, if not more honest, will be more cautious and less rapacious. A complete end to the endemic corruption mentality, is perhaps too much to hope for.

With PAN eliminated its powers will go to a newly created entity, the Department of Social Assistance, under the control of the Ministry of the Presidency.

It will begin to function in January and will be focused on combating poverty and helping people affected by natural disasters or catastrophes. When the presidential jet was donated to Panama, disaster relief was said to be one of its uses in addition to jaunts for family, friends and entrepreneurs.

It will be overseen by an advisory council consisting of representatives of a number of ministries.

It’s a hopeful ambition, that  former PAN, directors, and their business cohorts may  have plenty of time to reflect on, from the inside looking out.