Accused socialite describes life behind bars

SOCIALITE and businesswoman Poulett Morales, 40, released on $100,00 bail on October 15 after spending 143 days in detention , has appeared on TVN 2 to protest her innocence and talk of her confinement.
Morales, who is under investigation for the alleged crime of the irregular purchase of backpacks, through funds from the National Assistance Program (PAN), told TVN that “it was hard to get back to reality”.
The Comptroller General  detected a possible financial loss of $14.2 million in the purchase of backpacks for the Ministry of Education (Meduca) during the previous administration (2009- 2014 under Ricardo Martinelli.
Her release came after being hospitalized for surgery and she is barred from leaving the country, without judicial authorization.
“It was hard to go back to deal with the family, home, with loads and pressures, I have many bills to pay, but I feel that what I I learned after being locked up , is that God had it written for me” Morales said.
“I am innocent, I feel that God had this written and knows why I had to go through this. I will not deny it, not for the good things nor bad, but I’m going to trust him, that is who has supported me over a year ago since this process started, “she said.
Morales said her detention, was not easy, ” I had a simple bed to sleep, and had visiting hours, it was a rather small space, and I had no privileges. “
While in detention, his health was complicated and her clinical problems led to an operation in Hospital Punta Pacifica and subsequently other complications after surgery.
the Fifteenth Criminal Judge Leslie Loaiza, granted bail release for Morales, basing the decision on ” the conditions of confinement, either in a prison or headquarters of the police, are not the most suitable places to keep a human being who has undergone surgery and in the postoperative period has emerged with serious infectious complications and danger, which has been attested with abundant records by treating physicians.’’