US declaration debunks Martinelli allegations

IN THE MIDST of an “orchestrated campaign” to question the ruling  of Panama judges who called for the arrest of ex-president Ricardo Martinelli, US officials said that they “trust the independence and professionalism of the Panamanian legal system.”

The statement was made by the US embassy in Panama Wednesday December 23 when queried by La Prensa.

Martinelli, according to reports by His lawyers, currently resides in Miami. The Supreme Court ordered his arrest on charges of having directed the National Security Council to illegally spy on an estimated 150 people.

“We support the efforts of Panama to continue to improve increase transparency and accountability, and are ready to take into account any future request for legal assistance made by Panama under relevant international agreements,” said an embassy  statement.

Harry Diaz, the judge prosecuting the case, who says that he and witnesses have been threatened, expressed pleasure at the support the US gave to the legal system and said that “it debunked” the allegations of Martinelli that his rights were violated.

Lawyer Carlos Herrera Morán said the  statement “will lower the arrogant tone of Martinelli.”

Diaz said the announcement comes in the midst of a “media spectacle” being orchestrated by Martinelli to attack the independence of the judiciary.

Judge Jerome Mejia has taken steps to begin extradition proceedings to bring Martinelli back to Panama Martinelli. The first step will be to ask Interpol to take the former president into custody by issuing a red alert.

Once he  is arrested by that agency, Panama would request extradition from the country where  he is located. The Foreign Ministry would Have 30 days to formalize the request.

A ppokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said another option would be to pursue the case through  diplomatic channels.

The Supreme Court will meet again Monday  to discuss a writ of habeas corpus presented by Martinelli’s lawyers to prevent his arrest.

Diazs said: “I’ve been the victim of “indirect threats, ” and is receiving increased  security He said That witnesses and defendants in the case have also been the subject of threats.