Corruption detainee said to have breached house arrest

FELIPE “PIPO” VIRZI” , who was once a vice-president of Panama, and is now under house arrest facing corruption charges has increased his legal woes by allegedly breaking the terms of his detention and has been criminally charged for alleged falsification of public documents.
The complaint was filed with the Public Ministry on December 23 by lawyer Paulo Vega, (representing Mary Enelda Torres), for alleged irregularities in the transfer of a farm in Santiago, Veraguas.
Virzi is accused along with his daughter Elvira Maria Virzi,, Roberto Abrego, the fourth circuit notary Panama, Natividad Quiros,,  Blas Beluche and Juan Solis.
The document of transfer of ownership indicates that Virzi as a precautionary measure house arrest, went personally to the Fourth Circuit Notary of Panama.
On October29 Virzi sold and transferred the property signing a deed in the Fourth Circuit Notary. The paper notes that Virzi personally went to the notary. “If he attended, he violated house arrest, and if he has not attended he incurred falsehood,” Vega said
Virzi is investigated in two cases for alleged irregularities in the failed Tonosi irrigation project Tonosí and with accounts related to jailed former judge Alejandro Moncada Moon, reports La Prensa.
In the investigation of that case also, allegations of forgery of documents arose.