Road deaths reach 405, but trail last year

Road deaths reach 405, but trail last year

PANAMA’S UNENVIABLE road deaths indicator passed the 405 mark during the Christmas break, and with five days to go including  thousands of alcohol fueled celebrations, the figure seems destined to climb, but hopefully will not approach the 2014 high water mark of 426.

Four people died in accidents on December 24-25. At  11 pm on Thursday Alfaro Brown, 45, was killed when he was struck by a van while trying to cross the road   at  Plaza El Conquistador, in the village of Juan Diaz.

A second death   occurred when a man crossing the Boyd Roosevelt , in Domingo Diaz, was hit by a motor cycle. The motor cycle was destroyed and the badly injured  rider narrowly escaped death as the driver of an articulated  heavy truck traveling behind, braked and swerved onto the sidewalk reports El Siglo

Two more lives were lost in Arriajan and Chiriqui accidents.

Guillermo Nunez Fuentes, 55, died on Christmas morning, in the village of San Carlos District of David,  after being hit while riding a horse on his way to milk  a cow, and became the 77th traffic victim in Chrirqui this year. The car was driven by his 34-year-old nephew.  In Arriajan a taxi drive who lost control was killed instantly