FBI confirms blood on machete from woman in Panama swamp

FBI LABORATORY tests have confirmed that the blood  on the handle of a machete allegedly owned by ex US Marine Brian Brimager, matches that of his girlfriend, whose dismembered body was found in a Panama  swamp prosecutors said this week..

Brimager, 39, is on trial for the murder of Yvonne Baldelli, 42, who disappeared from the hostel where they had been living on Isla Carenero in 2011 He  has pleaded not guilty.

Brimager supposedly gave the machete a neighbor before leaving Panama and it was put up for sale online. Brimager is alleged to have commented on the sales notice, saying the machete was his: “Don’t worry, just dismembered a stripper, so hardly been used; ” prosecutors said.

Baldelli’s dismembered body was found two years after her disappearance when farm workers discovered the remains in a green military style bag in a marshy area of ​​the island. The discovery came after unsuccessful searches by family members.

The researchers were able to recover the machete and performed DNA testing, and conducted an analysis of the tool marks to see if they matched wounds to Baldelli, prosecutors said.

On February 3, the DNA results on the blood on the handle  tested positive for DNA Baldell’s DNA according to a report submitted this week to court. The results of the comparison tool marks were not disclosed.

The machete will  now be available for the defense to conduct an independent test.

Brimager’s  lawyer, Devin Burstein said earlier  this week that the alleged evidence of blood is the only DNA evidence in the case. Most  of the case so far has been based on circumstantial evidence.

The couple, moved from Orange County, to the small Panama island in 2011 to start a new life, but witnesses told investigators that, apparently, the couple fought often, and it is suspected that Brimager his  girlfriend.

Prosecutors say Brimager began to communicate again with the mother of his son, in San Diego, shortly after the move and promised to return to  her.

Baldelli was last seen in November 2011. His family continued to receive emails from her  account, saying she was happy and had gone to Costa Rica with another man. Prosecutors allege that Brimager was the one behind the emails.